Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stop Hating on Creepy Uncle Ralph

There's one in every family. Uncle Ralph is kind of an odd-ball. He shows up to family gatherings wearing a bow tie and tie-dyed shirt, a thin wisp of hair combed over his balding head. Ralph has always been a little socially awkward. People who don't know Ralph very well may be put off by him. He tends to talk over people, so excited about what he has to say that he rarely notices if  anyone is listening. Ralph has some weird interests too. He was a "prepper" long before prepping was cool (Is it cool now, or just cool to talk about and watch on reality TV?)  Ralph makes it his mission to ensure everyone has adequate stores of food, fuel,and ammo for the coming financial meltdown. He also makes his own wicker furniture, a hobby he has spent years perfecting, planning for day when he will quit his job to do wicker full-time.

Ralph cornered me at a barbecue last Memorial Day. My wife conveniently had get up at just that moment to help the kids with something or another. After a discussion of his latest wicker projects, Ralph proceeded to give me a staunch 15 minute lecture about having a six month food stock and some fire arms.

"How you gonna take care a your family when it all hits the fan?" He asked me. I didn't have an answer.

As much as Ralph annoys me, what really annoys me is when I hear people badmouthing Ralph. I have run into a couple people around town who know Ralph.  They have said some pretty mean things about him. Yes he's an odd guy, but he is my uncle.  He is not a bad guy. He is actually generous and thoughtful. You should see the wicker patio chairs he gave us last year for Christmas.Yes, he can be a bit overbearing, especially about prepping, but he does it because he cares for me and my family. His concern is genuine. But I guess I don't expect people who don't know him that well to really get it. When someone says something bad about Ralph, I say, "Yes, he can get a little annoying, but he really cares about his family and about helping others."

Then last week I was hanging out with my brother-in-law and a mutual friend.  This friend of ours started talking about Ralph and how weird and annoying Ralph is. Then my brother-in-law started in too.

"Ralph is just crazy." My brother-in-law exclaimed. "Why can't he just keep his mouth shut. No one wants to hear about the meltdown. I get so sick of his stupid prepping, and his stupid shirts." and then turning to our friend. "I'm really sorry you have to deal with Ralph.  Just don't think all our family is like that."

I was shocked at what I heard. You just don't treat your family that way. Yes, there are some things we'd like to change about Ralph, but at the end of the day we love him. He is a good albeit misguided guy.

So this is the point of my fictitious tale. Ralph is that other part of the church. The people who are annoying. The people who embarrass us.  The people who still think Obama is a Muslim.  The people who leave tracts for their server with their tip.  Ralph is the Christians who get all their news from Fox and Glen Beck. Christians that may protest the building of a mosque, an abortion clinic, or a Starbucks.

Stop hating on Ralph. It's one thing to hear people who don't know Jesus making disparaging comments about the church, or about the more conservative elements therein.  It is quite another thing to hear it from those who claim to be Christ-followers. Ridiculing other believers will not make people like you (as if that is the goal). Ridiculing your brothers and sisters will only serve to justify peoples contempt for them. The world will not know Jesus because we side with them against annoying or uninformed Christians. They will know Jesus because of the love we have for each other. (John 13:34-35)

I am sure I am somebody else's creepy Uncle Ralph. You probably are too. I still think we have more in common because of our relationship to Jesus than those who do not know Him, regardless of our differences in style, theology, interests, education, economic status, or political affiliation. I will try to love you despite your annoying habits and I hope you will do the same for me.

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